Wednesday, May 27, 2015



you hafta d

rink off

dead coin

el camino comido

nube desenfocada el
foco soy liftgate ser
vice el coche sin
llantas el llanto desas
faltado been a light
bulb eater turkey sh
adow sings across el
lago espiral ,de lentes
,hecho es ,el ví
de la lhuz la luhz la
luz h

)))combs the lake(((((((


cage sleep cage sleep cage
sleep cage sleep cage sleep
cage sleep cage sleep cage
sleep cage sleep cage sleep
cage sleep HAIR sleep cage
sleep cage sleep cage sleep
cage sleep cage sleep cage
sleep cage sleep cage sleep
cage sleep cage sleep cage


Sunday, May 24, 2015

cheese and soap

si la cloche se tait point
sits col lective travel crisis
nus sur la banquise hor
izontal capac i mage pro
duces de la mort ou vous
greffe the path meaning bui
lds aventures on eut qui
s'y pique s'y frotte in
terpretation its elf the
highlight road le cornédbîf
en boîte empeste la re
mise detoxicants found a
soluble floor lorsque'on
boit du maté la part
indécise thematic situatior
unsound pictograph on
était bien sur prise por
cette plaine grise half-
curse et les peaux neo
lithic swerve ,motono sea
au loin voyait flamber
les arbrisseaux

clean the ling uist sock boudin

Found, mostly, in Jim Leftwich,
Six Months Aint No Sentence, Book 117, 2015;
& Raymond Queneau, Cent mille milliards de
poèmes, 1961.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


name sleep name sleep name
sleep name sleep name sleep
name sleep name sleep name
sleep name sleep name sleep
name sleep AGUA sleep name
sleep name sleep name sleep
name sleep name sleep name
sleep name sleep name sleep
name sleep name sleep name


piedra mortátil

the element of stone's yr
,what tooth rejects ,a
table stinks in twilight
,started with the dawn or
night's conned sleep ,a
faucet in the mirror you
watch yr caspa cae
,cae en el lavabo where
you lay yr face a
focus spread in air ,yr
first speech round ,or end

made for death

t rust the L eg g o
r n ailed nneck r
ice an thru st ay
steeper cor n c
limb the s talk s
tep up step up and s
nicker at the laundry

Thursday, May 21, 2015


cough hole cough hole cough
hole cough hole cough hole
cough hole cough hole cough
hole cough hole cough hole
cough hole LOOT hole cough
hole cough hole cough hole
cough hole cough hole cough
hole cough hole cough hole
cough hole cough hole cough

cara void

don't stop to cough

gnattts in the bush yr
*;*;;***;**;;;*;**;;*** *
forehead con geals o
gels with qquivve
rring plate the c
rumbled nest my
sock in there my f
ork and sky my
my my howler in a c
rumpled can a p
lastic bottle eye
et nous un peu de
gelée blanche André Breton
)))where the rotting shoes
stink in mud

las hormigas de mi abuela

bandwurst ,fog in all
the floors a towel
fall around yr legs
or rabbits was it ? flack
bog behind the noodle
itching clawing
corning falling listing
each an every ant
scurries cross yr foot

Sunday, May 17, 2015

tried but failed to fix the chimney

the roof my con
tracted gasp my
g asp por lentil
fill my hhat my
breath soup do
ggy doggy it's
your moon an b
read invas ive
pees he last
his kind s
liding d own was
shing led at lea
st's pocket's sp
ooned at least's
b arking past the

...pull, an focus at the air.
- E. S. Peranza

olin again

each inhabitation corners
laundry in your ear a
“brain” or laptop
sizzles in your pants'
each faucet gurgling
with the time your
coat is due the time
your ants retreat
behind the picture frame
each pencilled congrat
ulation's wandered off
each loudness convects its
microphone before your
eye a swelling leg a
tampon remembered at the
railroad crossing was your
dream of shovels
falling in the closets


the dream of a shopping cart
is your dream of a shoe
in the bottom of a lake
your dream of a book
slowly turning in a
toilet the dream of a
burning shopping cart
is the dream of a mountain
shedding its lint of
human beings the shopping
dream cart is a dream
of a forest of laundry
scattered in wind in the
wind of the shaking earth

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I gagged on your sandwich

could spell and die the
louder short reballed
on's shirt I'm ashed
I'm ashed to ,able
f laked the headless
sank the head's what
sink ,rests among the
swelling rocks the
lettric roof or silt
you s poke yr g
ash in tongue just
s mouldered tongue
just formed an b
ack the back the word

endometric ham yr
burbled breast
- Jack A. Withers Smote

the stroke mastication

dark an fog re
suction open f
lag yr chest a
drumming soup
or wetland regrowth
faster ogstorm
loss of F yr
aceless aze con
amination o it's
ectodimic stark
and brims ben
eath the streets use or cobbing
if the stitches, if...
- Vicente Huidobro, trans.
by Nick L. Nips

's torn

blood forms blood forms blood
forms blood forms blood forms
blood forms blood forms blood
forms blood forms blood forms
blood forms WINDOW forms blood
forms blood forms blood forms
blood forms blood forms blood
forms blood forms blood forms
blood forms blood forms blood

f l o o d , , ,

Sunday, May 10, 2015

put it in the basement

boiling h ash a
stormy dump in
side a thr one
con dition gak
o phonics soil
ed the aspirina
s stuck in deep
your ear a wor
m foametic was
yr mouth should

text block

sweat page the forked
legk words walk f
lappy in the windy h
air spelled crowd sp
elled clouds yr ant
thropodermic bibliopegy
break the spine’s l
ungch lupbrication st
reams ah nalgas c
rackk ah flavor of the
story’s end ah f
labor de la página su
dada ! )in my gut
ter’s central leaf a
bblank or mmirrorr )( )( )(


colo rectal in
fart ion was
yr st art at tack
just sat on it

a s pore

whistler in the basement

rumbler ,neck
washes in the shadows

a weak pair of shirts
turning in the wind
knock on wood ,yr
twisted fork yr mou
th an sp linters yr

annual tea party in the
bathtub full of carp
our butts framed by a
glass bottom

John M. Bennett & C. Mehrl Bennett

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

the soup yr nostril knows

the fog invents yr throat
,inverts the columned
air ,or downpour past
the river ,was your cou
ghing in the soup ,if
soup were rain my
neck invests ,a tuerca
tightened in your sock
,or stepped into the
blind shadowed lake

double tongue the beach

eck topoplasmic ah aim a
head nnot hhere whwhat
shshit ehn payyment c
ries ,if cries the rrice
ssqquirmss offf yr ppalm
,if fllesh were ttossing
ng wwind or b
readless sky the sky
whose shapless form cir
circles in yr eyes ,or
lenses buried in the
shlliffting sssandsssss

pull the faucet off

glue and cheese the frag
rant tea ,f lushed d
own the bowl ,taza
fin to start the sl
obber toward the w
all you hug yr mask
on ,what gnatty holes
staring at the floor
,or water where the
sandwich sank

read the gnats

my drunken sip col
lapse my outer c
loud fusil de nube
spread above the s
ssand yr sky re
taken after shape a
fter clowning in the
water where yr
coleslaw driftsts
                                                and ssinks

Saturday, May 2, 2015

o headless one

sheet ,faucet ,cloud
:ele mental fork
vibration in the mea

don’t forget the keys

steaming suit the
leg nest’s light storm
con densation over the
toilet stuffed with
20s and yr final
sock …eats off here…
chews and crossed th
e door …..wet d
ust y rain,,,,,

yr shoe’s untied

pull the fork yr cl
oud in hales yr h
ead yr ass the c
lotted bird imán de
tu cabeza i mán del
culo ya nked of
ffff the sal ad k nife
yr jaw grabs at ¡ay
the headless forking
of yr name !)yr
grunted lunch spins
across the flo or( ( ( ( (

the dream of a tortoise is the
dream of a river running backward

if we get
the hill o
ver la pen
umbra bursts
yr base
ment's wri
ggling cara
pace originant
ink darkened
river el
hotel del hue
so dorm ido

was the knee's
left pain the
knee's ave
nue sp read
behind tu más
cara's shell
yawning alpha
bet's sleepless
pool her thighs
her wrapper ou
verte les esca
liers her
wheel of smoke t
urns toward you

Picked from the husks of
Ivan Argüelles' “anabasis xlvi”